On 22/05/2019 19:54, PICCORO McKAY Lenz wrote:
> currently still are security updats for jessie (debian LTS) and wheeze
> (ExLTS) why those packages are not uploaded to archive debian ?
> by example i can find the updated kernel 3.16 for wheeze by ExLTS
> collaboration but not in archive.debian.org neither in snapshot!

jessie LTS is available from security.debian.org, just like other Debian
security updates for supported releases. wheezy ELTS is not officially part of
Debian, that's why the updates are not available from debian.org machines, but
you can still get them from the deb.freexian.com repository if you so choose.


> those package are very important due many MANY MANY older hardware still
> operative does not work with CURRENT FASHIONED linux
> Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)
> http://qgqlochekone.blogspot.com
> El vie., 17 de may. de 2019 a la(s) 22:08, Abhijith PA (abhij...@disroot.org)
> escribió:
>> On 17/05/19 7:48 pm, Jonas Meurer wrote:
>>> Hey,
>>> Abhijith PA:
>>>> >From where we can find the security upload of packages in the old
>>>> releases? I was searching for this[1] particular package but I couldn't
>>>> find in the archive.debian.org[2].
>>>> [1] -
>> https://lists.debian.org/debian-lts-announce/2018/04/msg00001.html
>>>> [2] - http://archive.debian.org/debian/pool/main/j/jruby/
>>> I usually search them on https://snapshot.debian.org/:
>>> https://snapshot.debian.org/package/jruby/1.5.6-5%2Bdeb7u2/
>> Thank you Jonas.

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