Hi Sylvain,

On Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 04:31:28PM +0200, Sylvain Beucler wrote:
> I was thinking of 24h, in which case it's perfectly justified to be
> notified.
> Anyway I settled for printing the DLA date.

thanks, I like that the date and package name is printed now. I slightly dislike
not naming the requestor, but won't change it myself for now.

> Spurious notifications waste time, we better fix them.


> (I also dislike when debwatch mails me about a new upstream release
> while I'm upstream and I already uploaded a Debian package ;))

well, yes, but there will always be race conditions...

> > p.s.: as an after thought re: "don't harass me" (though I get it was a
> > joke, but I think the joke conveyed a useful notion): maybe my semiautomatic
> > mails should have a permanent disclaimer that being 'called out' by them is
> > nothing bad and doesn't deserve any explaination, just fixing? I've just 
> > took 
> > a note to do so next monday, please help me to word this disclaimer nicely.
> Whether the e-mail is from a human or from a machine, whether it has a
> disclaimer or not, it's never pleasing to be called out.
> We better do it only when there's a valid reason.
> Which I think is the case for the prior parts of the weekly e-mail.

well, reserving an DLA and not sending it is also a valid reason.

and I still disagree with being called out here is a bad thing, because it's
worse to claim a package and not do the work. So being called out^w^wreminded
of this is still a good thing in my book.

we work in public here and this means our good and bad work is public.
if one cannot work like this, one should learn to cope or switch.

that said, I'll edit the results to not include missing DLAs on webwml if the
DLA was requested on day I'll be sending the mail.


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Our civilization is being sacrificed for the opportunity of a very small number
of people to continue making enormous amounts of money...  It is the sufferings
of the many  which pay  for the luxuries  of the few...  You say  you love your
children  above all else,  and yet  you are stealing  their future  in front of 
their very eyes... (Greta Thunberg)

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