Michael R. Crusoe pushed to branch master at Debian Med / cwltool

6bd1e0df by Michael R. Crusoe at 2018-10-03T11:40:24Z
New upstream version 1.0.20180923172926
- - - - -
62074824 by Michael R. Crusoe at 2018-12-07T06:35:37Z
New upstream version 1.0.20181201184214
- - - - -
cf2f962b by Michael R. Crusoe at 2018-12-21T13:36:07Z
New upstream version 1.0.20180923172926
- - - - -
a88e82ec by Michael R. Crusoe at 2018-12-21T13:36:46Z

- - - - -
9818eec2 by Michael R. Crusoe at 2018-12-21T13:36:47Z
New upstream version 1.0.20181201184214
- - - - -
3869bf3e by Michael R. Crusoe at 2018-12-21T13:36:47Z

- - - - -
0e438674 by Michael R. Crusoe at 2018-12-21T13:36:47Z

- - - - -
00638474 by Michael R. Crusoe at 2018-12-21T13:36:47Z
Remove --provenance feature until python3-prov 1.5.2+ issue is resolved.

- - - - -
b1b8bd89 by Michael R. Crusoe at 2018-12-21T13:36:48Z

- - - - -
64c77488 by Michael R. Crusoe at 2018-12-21T13:45:56Z
exclude jshint

- - - - -
8b0ef4b2 by Michael R. Crusoe at 2018-12-21T13:46:10Z
New upstream version 1.0.20181217162649+dfsg
- - - - -
fa61ff51 by Michael R. Crusoe at 2018-12-21T13:46:11Z
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/1.0.20181217162649+dfsg'

Update to upstream version '1.0.20181217162649+dfsg'
with Debian dir 323e93fc2835d02fcb1ebc90221800b89ffc8fde
- - - - -
e6fb633c by Michael R. Crusoe at 2018-12-21T13:46:21Z
fix changelog

- - - - -
db2e18f8 by Michael R. Crusoe at 2018-12-21T13:58:32Z
refresh patches

- - - - -
716236b2 by Michael R. Crusoe at 2018-12-21T14:18:46Z
Fix manpage

- - - - -
7d559728 by Michael R. Crusoe at 2018-12-21T14:28:47Z
fix spelling, add exec line

- - - - -
4c4548b1 by Michael R. Crusoe at 2018-12-21T15:36:04Z
cleanup test output

- - - - -

15 changed files:

- + LICENSE.txt
- Makefile
- README.rst
- cwltool.egg-info/PKG-INFO
- cwltool.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
- cwltool.egg-info/entry_points.txt
- cwltool.egg-info/requires.txt
- cwltool.py
- cwltool/__init__.py
- cwltool/__main__.py
- cwltool/argparser.py
- cwltool/builder.py
- + cwltool/checker.py

The diff was not included because it is too large.

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