On Sat, 13 Oct 2007, David Paleino wrote:

The severity-coloring has been implemented, please check it :)

Great. Makes a really good overview.  From an estetical point of view
I would choose some more decent colors like we have at
for instance - but that's polishing.

   1. Currently there are several medical packages out there that do not
      fit this criterion - and IMHO it makes no sense to upload a new
      package just to change the maintainer.

Well, this is a minor issue IMHO ;)

Yes - I started with the minor issue. ;-))

   2. There might be other CDDs that will be not able to change the maintainer
      this was.  For instance think of Debian-Edu: They will not be able to
      convince the maintainers of all packages to switch to this kind of
      group maintainance.  They include Openoffice.Orf, Firefox, etc.

This is a major one instead. Why not adding the CDD to Uploaders field? I
believe this will be far easier to accomplish.

Because we will not have such a strong grip on it.  Imagine how hard it will
be to convince every single maintainer of a package that might be interesting
for a CDD to add an uploader he sees no real use for.  Finally a mailing
list is not a real Uploader (= will never sign and upload a package).  I would
regard this as a missuse of the Uploaders field and not fully working for
the goal we want to accomplish.

No - I do not mean bugs against meta package but bugs against all those
packages that are in the Dependency list of the meta packages - in contrast
to the tagging by the list as maintainer this would IMHO be a solid
approach to identify the packages of interest.

I'll try to parse the task files then.

Yesterday I tried to add the text:

Depends: dialign-t
Homepage: http://dialign-t.gobics.de/
License: LGPL
WNPP: 445983
Pkg-Description: Segment-based multiple sequence alignment
 DIALIGN-T is a command line tool to perform multiple alignment of protein or
 DNA sequences. It is a complete reimplementation of the segment-base approach
 including several new improvements and heuristics that significantly enhance
 the quality of the output alignments compared to DIALIGN 2.2. For pairwise
 alignment, DIALIGN-T uses a fragment-chaining algorithm that favours chains of
 low-scoring local alignments over isolated high-scoring fragments. For
 multiple alignment, DIALIGN-T uses an improved greedy procedure that is less
 sensitive to spurious local sequence similarities.  DIALIGN-T has been
 published in Amarendran R. Subramanian, Jan Weyer-Menkhoff, Michael Kaufmann,
 Burkhard Morgenstern: DIALIGN-T: An improved algorithm for segment-based
 multiple sequence alignment. BMC Bioinformatics 2005, 6:66.
 DIALIGN-T is needed by dm_coffee, a special mode of t_coffee prepared
 especially for Debian, in which non-free alignment software was replaced by
 free alternatives.

to tasks/bio.  This kind of works with the current cdd-dev tools but I
regard this as a weak format for two reasons:

   1. We need to write "Pkg-Description" because "Description" is also
      the keyword for the meta-package description that will be moved
      to the control file.  So we have to change the keyword for the
      descriptions of prospective packages.
   2. The task files syntax allows an arbitrary number of Dependand packages
      after the keywords Depends/Recommends/Suggests.  To add a prospective
      package we need to specify only one and have to make sure that all
      information is matched to exactly this (future) package.

I'm a little but undecided about this.  I'm kind of dreaming of switching
the task file format to XML which would enable us a clear cut description.
I'll discuss this with the Debian-Edu people I will meet next week in

Are there any meta-packages which do not have a task file?

Yes.  Debian-Jr is ignoring the cdd-dev stuff completely.  They regard
this as "to complicated".  I was not yet able to convince them but I hope
that further features will be more convincing than words. ;-)
So either we parse the meta packages dependencies to find out the
relevant existing packages and grab the information of the not yet existing
packages from the task files (which would IMHO mean more work) or we
completely stick to the task files and leave the decision to other
CDDs whether they like the comfort or refuse this extra stuff.

P.S.: I'll complete the <package>.php pages tomorrow maybe. I need to hang out
with my girlfriend right now ;)

Don't risk the anger of your girlfriend by becoming to adictive to
Debian-Med work. ;-))

Kind regards



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