2010/12/10 Andreas Tille <andr...@an3as.eu>:

> On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 11:29:42AM +0100, Nicolas Barbier wrote:
>> I am currently reading through this, checking for minor
>> grammar/spelling mistakes and inconsistent usage of UK/US English. I
>> am not sure whether the text is supposed to be written using the UK or
>> US variant: both variants are currently used in a mixed fashion. I am
>> converting the UK-isms to US English, does that sound OK?
> I'm persoanlly using "M-x ispell-changedictionary: british" so I prefer
> UK English.  While I'm not very stubborn about this I really think that
> changing it the other way around should be more easy.

I noticed that there were indeed more changes needed in the UK->US
direction, so I switched to UK.

Patch for paper-text.tex attached.

<   with an ambition to apply their talents the biomedical domain.  At
>   with an ambition to apply their talents to the biomedical domain.  At
<   The ideas behind the \DebianMed generalised into the concept of
>   The ideas behind the Debian Med generalised into the concept of
<   which are relevant for a given domain, but not yet integrated into
>   that are relevant for a given domain, but not yet integrated into
<   procedures ease direct contributions to Debian, thus preventing unnecessary
>   procedures eases direct contributions to Debian, thus preventing unnecessary
< help distributing software in a readily usable form. Moreover, modularisation aspects of Debian packaging do not only reduce the complexity of packaging individual software, by allowing to
> helps distributing software in a readily usable form. Moreover, modularisation aspects of Debian packaging do not only reduce the complexity of packaging individual software: by allowing to
< complete system. For example, due to modularisation updates and fixes in core libraries, most
< of the time, make end-user software upgrades unnecessary. Performing binary builds
> complete system. For example, due to modularisation, updates and fixes in core libraries
> make end-user software upgrades unnecessary most of the time. Performing binary builds
< on a projects manpower.
> on a project's manpower.
< and similar efforts. Mutual interest in neuroimaging software led the
< NeuroDebian project \cite{neurodebian} join forces with \DebianMed to improve
> and similar efforts. Mutual interest in neuroimaging software led to the
> NeuroDebian project \cite{neurodebian} joining forces with \DebianMed to improve
< An even larger task, managing a hospital is also tackled by several
< projects and the most famous is OpenVista\cite{openvista:2008}. As an
> The even larger task of managing a hospital is also tackled by several
> projects, of which the most famous is OpenVista\cite{openvista:2008}. As an
< OpenMRS\cite{openmrs:2010} which is in preparation of being included
> OpenMRS\cite{openmrs:2010}, which is in preparation of being included
< \section{Principles of Free Software Distribution}
> \section{Principles of Free Software distribution}
< To make free Software development work, it requires a critical mass of
> To make Free Software development work, it requires a critical mass of
< not the main concern of a regular Linux Distribution.  However, with
> not the main concern of a regular Linux distribution.  However, with
<   Free Software Guidelines (DFSG)}, that allow to free and open-source
>   Free Software Guidelines (DFSG)}, that allow to distinguish free and open source
< For example, Debian does not consider software as \textit{free} that comes as
> For example, Debian does not consider software as \textit{free}, if it only comes as
< Debian, but shall be universally applicable to anyone, \emph{i.e.} another software
< vendor or an individual users. This requirement is another indication for an
< intrinsic impetus to help Free software at large.
> Debian, but shall be universally applicable to anyone, such as other software
> vendors or individual users. This requirement is another indication of an
> intrinsic impetus to help Free Software at large.
< actively influence the support of certain work fields.  
> actively influence the support of certain fields of work.  
< a package, \emph{i.e.} that pay back for an initial packaging effort,
< is not the decisive factor in favor or against the maintenance of a
> a package, \emph{i.e.} that ``pay back'' for an initial packaging effort,
> is not the decisive factor in favor of or against the maintenance of a
< be brought into the distribution and that one will possibly be
> be brought into the distribution, and that one will possibly be
< lot of applications which are very specific to medical care and are
> lot of applications that are very specific to medical care and are
< maintainer of a software can investigate whether a particular report is actually
> maintainer of a piece of software can investigate whether a particular report is actually
< work as a proxy to the software authors.  For a user this has
> works as a proxy to the software authors.  For a user this has
< Debian contains more than 20000 binary packages, and this number is
> Debian contains more than 20,000 binary packages, and this number is
< packages.
> %packages.
< ports to even more hardware architectures and operating systems kernels.
> ports to even more hardware architectures and operating system kernels.
< {\itshape Distributors\/} are those companies that are building these
> {\itshape Distributors\/} are those companies or organisations that are building these
< Due to the complexity of the task these projects had to make compromises
< regarding the quality of their products and where frequently being
> Due to the complexity of the task, these projects had to make compromises
> regarding the quality of their products and were frequently being
< release, others remained longer but were constantly loosing
< manpower.  Furthermore, no security updates were made available and the
< distribution of general software tools stagnated at the point when
> release, others remained longer but were constantly losing
> manpower.  Furthermore, no security updates were made available, and the
> distribution of general software tools stagnated at the moment at which
< To prevent these problems \DebianMed took a different approach.  The initial team was
< also quite small, but has grown in the eight years of existence to more
> To prevent these problems, \DebianMed took a different approach.  The initial team was
> also quite small, but has grown in the eight years of its existence to more
< drawbacks of the separate distributions mentioned above: There are
< security updates provided without any specific effort of the Debian
> drawbacks of the separate distributions mentioned above: security
> updates are provided without any specific effort of the Debian
< Similar effort as \DebianMed exists in Fedora as
> An effort similar to \DebianMed exists in Fedora as
< Both projects share the same idea to put medical applications inside a
> Both projects share the same idea of putting medical applications inside a
< difference to \DebianMed (besides of the different distribution) is
> difference with \DebianMed (besides of being different distributions) is
< for special use cases {\em into} this instead of deriving the whole
< system.
> for special use cases {\em into} this system instead of deriving a
> whole {\em new} system from the existing one.
< strong column of \DebianMed is this specific field and it is for a
> strong column of \DebianMed is this specific field. This is the case for a specific
< amount of work per package is much smaller compared to for instance
> amount of work per package is much smaller compared to, for instance,
< medical care \DebianMed tries to cover all other fields of medical
< care as well.  This goal is not yet reached but continuous work is
< done into this direction and some important steps are done.
> medical care, \DebianMed tries to cover all other fields of medical
> care as well.  This goal is not yet reached but work in this direction
> is continuously performed and some important steps are done.
< compared to the other repositories is the fact that \DebianMed is not
> compared to the other repositories, is the fact that \DebianMed is not
< the requirements for medical practice and research. The goal of
< \DebianMed is a complete system for all tasks in medical care which is
< build completely on free software.
> the requirements of medical practice and research. The goal of
> \DebianMed is a complete system for all tasks in medical care that is
> built completely on Free Software.
< building a common platform which reduces the amount of work for
> building a common platform that reduces the amount of work for
< 1000) all over the world working in different fields.  Some of them
> 1,000) all over the world working in different fields.  Some of them
< researcher in the field of computational biology: Some biologists are Debian
> researchers in the field of computational biology: Some biologists are Debian
< more the Debian user in the field of biology report back about
< problems or wishes the more Debian maintainers are able to enhance
< their system for their own and their users benefit.
> more the Debian users in the field of biology report back about
> problems or wishes, the more Debian maintainers are able to enhance
> their system for their own and their users' benefit.
< packages himself) to specify all biomedical software with
> packages themselves) to specify all biomedical software with a
< declare dependencies on other Debian package to thus prepare
> declare dependencies on other Debian packages that can be used to prepare
< then needs to seek only for metapackages starting with prefix \package{med-}
< to install just few of them to fulfill his software selection requirements.
> only needs to search for metapackages starting with prefix \package{med-},
> and install just few of them to fulfill his or her software selection requirements.
< might need for the job will be installed on his system.  Once any of
< the metapackages is installed, a special user menu will be created to
> or she might need for the job will be installed on his or her system.  If at least one of
> the metapackages is installed, a special user menu is created to
< Each work field has an appropriate metapackage, for instance
> Each field of work has an appropriate metapackage, for instance
< medical genetics and \package{med-practice} which are helpful to
< manage a medical practice.  The sense of a metapackage is that you
< have to install only one single package using a package management
< software inside Debian to get all interesting packages which are
> medical genetics and \package{med-practice}, which is helpful to
> manage a medical practice.  The sense of using metapackages is that you
> have to install only a single package using a package management
> software tool to get all interesting packages that are
< results in installation of all applications inside Debian which are related to the field of
> results in installation of all applications inside Debian that are related to the field of
< Once a software is packaged, the effort for future maintenance is
< relatively small. Nevertheless, care is needed not to exhaust initial maintainer's
< enthusiasm since continuous maintenance requires investigation of submitted bug reports and following the "upstream"
> Once a piece of software is packaged, the effort needed for its future maintenance is
> relatively small. Nevertheless, care is needed not to exhaust initial maintainers'
> enthusiasm since continuous maintenance requires investigation of submitted bug reports and following the ``upstream''
< the upstream code, to learn from it and to contribute back is a part
< of their motivation - and that often does not scale. In the longer run,
> the upstream code, to learn from it, and to contribute back is a part
> of their motivation -- and that often does not scale. In the longer run,
< to the Debian project.   Debian welcome contributions and setup
> to the Debian project.   Debian welcomes contributions and has set up
< remains with the authors which is an important insensitive in the true
< spirit of open-source.  As a result, anyone
> remains with the authors, which is an important incentive in the true
> spirit of open source.  As a result, anyone
< across variety architectures, online repositories and mirrors, bug
> for a variety of architectures, online repositories and mirrors, bug
< layer yet again functioning within Debian infrastructure.  That guarantees that overall development system remains robust
< and not requiring extra effort from the \DebianMed sub-community.
< Moreover, adherence to common principles and organization
> layer yet again functioning within Debian infrastructure.
> That guarantees that the overall development system remains robust
> and does not require extra effort from the \DebianMed sub-community.
> Moreover, adherence to common principles and organisation
< overall maintenance cost since many actions could be done on the
< entire pool of the maintained packages at once.  Admittedly, quite
> overall maintenance cost because many actions can be performed on the
> entire pool of maintained packages at once.  Admittedly, quite
< utility, \emph{e.g.}  Java or Python libraries,  and thus of interest to the
> utility, such as Java or Python libraries,  and thus of interest to the
< continuous growth of the number of packages inside Debian which are of
> continuous growth of the number of packages inside Debian that are of
< characterize the commitment of people involved in the
> characterise the commitment of people involved in the
< project to compensate for the normal loss of supporters
> project to compensate for the normal loss of supporters,
< with different orientation or less spare time for private reasons
> with different orientations or have less spare time for private reasons
< to the project mailing list.  Figure \ref{figure:authorstats}) shows
> to the project mailing list.  Figure \ref{figure:authorstats} shows
< 1108 commits to the SVN and since the beginning of \DebianMed, 47 developers
< did 5545 commits regarding packaging medical applications or
> 1,108 commits to the SVN repository and since the beginning of \DebianMed, 47 developers
> did 5,545 commits regarding packaging medical applications or
< service has being integrated within the official Debian.  It offers updates to
< the latest versions of packages while relying on the core components - whenever
< possible - that were shipped with the official releases. This
> service has being integrated within the official Debian project.  It offers updates to
> the latest versions of packages while relying on the core components -- whenever
> possible -- that were shipped with the official releases. This
< needs.  The implementation \emph{e.g.} by the Debian Edu project -- another
> needs.  The implementation by, for example, the Debian Edu project -- another
< fact.  The main reasons is an enormous availability of software for education
> fact.  The main reason is an enormous availability of software for education
< so called web sentinel. It is a web portal to guide the contributors
> so-called web sentinel. It is a web portal to guide the contributors
< The tasks pages are providing an overview about all the work fields
< like biology, medical imaging, practice management etc.  which are
> The task pages are providing an overview of all fields of work,
> such as biology, medical imaging, practice management, etc., that are
< packages in this task.  So the output of the project can be easily \marginpar{just have a regular reference to the URL}
> packages in this task.  The output of the project can be easily \marginpar{just have a regular reference to the URL}
< or translations as well as fixing a wrong translation, \emph{i.e.} everyone
> translation as well as fixing a wrong translation, \emph{i.e.} everyone
< There are also quality assurance tools developed for instance there is
< an overview about
> There are also quality assurance tools developed; for instance there is
> an overview of
< has set some cornerstone in the technical cooperation between user
> has set a cornerstone in the technical cooperation between user
< computational biology are just a part of it because it is an important
> computational biology are just a part of it because they are an important
< platform for medical work. The Freedom for users to apply those
< technologies for local needs, \emph{i.e.} new scientific problems or
> platform for medical work. The freedom of users to apply those
> technologies for local needs, \emph{e.g.} new scientific problems or
< and not at least for the motivation of staff, all commercial
< distributors are well aware of.  E.g., Red Hat has initiated Fedora as
< a free supplement to their commercial distribution.  It is this reason
> and not at least for the motivation of staff, that all commercial
> distributors are well aware of.  For example, Red Hat has initiated Fedora as
> a free supplement to their commercial distribution.  This is the reason
< society, like BioLinux\marginpar{ref for BioLinux}, are also keen on close collaborations with the
> society, like BioLinux\marginpar{ref for BioLinux}, are also keen on close collaboration with the
< the is maintained by \DebianMed, is already a user of \DebianMed.
> that is maintained by \DebianMed, is already a user of \DebianMed.
< can 
< as on the \printurl{lists.debian.org/debian-med}{\DebianMed
> can ask on the \printurl{lists.debian.org/debian-med}{\DebianMed
< be helped with the packaging and offered guidance towards
> be helped with the packaging process and offered guidance towards
< have been developed, this still needs to be amended to suite
> have been developed, this still needs to be amended to suit
< even if some fields like micro biology are
> even if some fields like microbiology are
< inter-institutional software projects of different kind in health
> inter-institutional software projects of different kinds in health
< but also the technical infrastructure behind this community project
> but also the technical infrastructure behind this community project,
< strive to support everybody's specific projects as best as they
< possibly can. It is the particular challenge of users of Free
> strive to support everybody's specific projects as well as they
> possibly can. It is a particular challenge of users of Free
< to work together as Linux users, maybe along
> to work together as Free Software users, maybe along
< i.e.  the providers of the packages, the developers of the Free software
> i.e.,  the providers of the packages, the developers of the Free Software

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