Regarding biomaj, I have created a get-orig-source to download source code and rearrange it to create the debian structure, to be used for packaging. We have an issue with our forge that is being fixed, so it cannot be tested for the moment, but it should be ready in the next few days.

On our web site, tarball etc... are for install on "any" system, without the file hierarchy,dependencies etc... There is a debian package, but not an official one, it is a "dirty" deb to use installation on systems.

Andreas, I'll let you know once our svn issue is fixed.


Le 2/2/11 1:32 PM, Andreas Tille a écrit :
Meta-remark: I removed those e-mail addresses where I know people are
reading Debian Med list (specifically who was
interested in the general resume but not in detailed discussion).  I
would be happy if we could move the discussion to without the long CC list if I could assume
that nobody, who is really interested in this topic will miss the
information.  So in my next mail I'll probably strip the CC list and
there is always the archive of the list in case somebody is interested
but is afraid of the list.

On Wed, Feb 02, 2011 at 09:39:50AM +0000, Alan R Williams wrote:
I intend to have a look at biomaj in more detail once Olivier has
published a downloadable tarball.
There is a downloadable tar.  It's on the biomaj website
I think I agreed with Oliver to have a tarball which can be downloaded
by a tool (like uscan which parses new versions) rather than only a
human beeing which can enter captchas.  Oliver, did I missed something
or missunderstood you?

Kind regards


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