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-------- Message original --------
Sujet:  Re: BLAST+ speed & build issues
Date :  Thu, 18 Aug 2011 08:49:23 +0200
De :    Olivier Sallou <>
Pour :  Aaron M. Ucko <>

Le 8/18/11 6:01 AM, Aaron M. Ucko a écrit :
> [Sorry for the belated reply; I was on vacation when this thread started
> and have only just caught up to it.]
> Tim Booth <> writes:
>> These don't break the build but they should really be disabled.  Is
>> there an easy way to do this, do you think?
> Yes, just comment out the relevant per-project makefiles' CHECK_CMD settings.
I will try to have a look to patch this in the package. However I will
go on vacation end of this week. So it will not be done before some time...
>> A user reported that his analysis took an order of magnitude longer
>> after upgrading BLAST+ (from the static binary build to the Debian Med
>> build).  I'd expect some slowdown with dynamic linking but this is
>> indeed fairly drastic:
> Dynamic linking does indeed add a fair bit of startup overhead. :-/
> OTOH, the BLAST+ executables support input files containing multiple
> queries, which should reduce its impact (but may entail reworking some
> scripts).
Regarding speed, for real case analysis, it not be too impacting, as
library load should be insignificant compared to blast work itself.

>> If the latter, I know the real fix is for script authors use BLAST more
>> sensibly, but I'm wondering if there is any mileage in trying to make a
>> ncbi-blast+-static package?
> That's an interesting idea, but it would probably be pretty hefty.  As
> far as logistics go, I'd suggest that it provide/conflict/replace
> ncbi-blast+ (and ship separate copies of its handful of
> architecture-independent files) rather than pretending to be
> coinstallable.
I am not really fond of providing 2 packages (one dynamic/ one static).
Furthermore, static one would be really large, poor debian servers  ;-)


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