
On Sat, Jun 02, 2012 at 02:27:00PM -0400, Paul Novotny wrote:
> What is the status of ITK version 4? I noticed that Wheezy is going to
> freeze soon, and was wondering what I could do to help get this into
> testing. 

Thank you!  More hands for ITK is indeed welcome.  Between ITK, Boost,
and GMP, I'm generally pretty squeezed for Debian time.

> Or is it too late?

I don't think it is too late.  

The current ITK4 status can always be obtained from the PTS page [1].

The main obstacle right now is that it Fails To Build on all
architectures other than amd64.  The buildd status is available from
the PTS page; right now it's in experimental so use the 'exp' link
[2].  A quick glance suggests there are multiple problems: some builds
fail in tests, others fail in a compilation.

First order of business is to go through the buildd logs and get a
list of the issues.  There is only one issue currently filed
(#670609), a trivial missing "Conflicts".

If we can get the issues fixed quickly so that it builds cleanly
before, say, mid-June, we'll be able to get it into the next

Note that ITK is currently in its 4.2 release cycle, with plans to tag
at end of June [3].  There's a good chance that will be too late for
Debian.  However, there may be upstream fixes for the build failures
that we could cherry-pick into Debian's ITK 4.1.

[1] http://packages.qa.debian.org/i/insighttoolkit4.html
[3] http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.itk.devel/266


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