On Tuesday, July 10, 2012 03:34:23 PM Gour wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Jul 2012 23:34:18 +0200
> Karsten Hilbert <karsten.hilb...@gmx.net> wrote:
> > If you tell me what you want to disable I can tell you
> > whether that's worth the effort.
> I installed GNUmed on Win XP (under vbox) which seems the quickest way
> (kudos to devs for providing easy install) and didn't have much time to play
> with it, but will do.
> However, when you say "...whether that's worth the effort" I might
> conclude it's, in general, not straightforward and I understand 'cause
> GNUmed is specialized application serving its own market.

Have a look at the screenshots.


You can disable any of those tabs at the buttom. Those are dynamically loaded 
plugins. You start GNUmed, define a workplace name, tell it which plugins are 
in that workplace and then change the config file to have GNUmed start that new 

If you have something different in mind you need to spell it out. Some people 
have thought GNUmed code is too much for them. They have started a new project 
called clinica.

When you do this you will notice in a few years that you need that code and 
soon your code is a big as GNUmed. Forget about it. Just configure a workplace 
with as many or few plugins as you like and be done with it :-)

I guess we should move this discussion to gnumed-devel mailing list.


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