On 08/13/2015 05:20 PM, Tim Booth wrote:
> Hi Olivier,
> Looks like Bernd Rinn is making positive noises regarding a DFSG version
> of the library, so hopefully once he provides code you can take what I
> have done and make use of it.  I committed to SVN because it's so much
> easier than pushing to GIT and I'm lazy, sorry.
what do you mean by commit to SVN ?

I looked at SVN repo for fastqc but it is empty, referring to git repo [0]
Where is you code ?

[0] http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debian-med/trunk/packages/fastqc/

> In my libsis-jhdf5-java package I created a small test
> "ReadWriteTest.java" which I confirmed works correctly when used with
> the binary libhdf5.so supplied by upstream.  Also my patches
> fix_dodgy_cast.patch and remove_ch_rinn_imports.patch should be sound
> but the others are junk caused by me trying to kick the code into
> submission.
> If for some reason we can't get this working then you could very easily
> patch out FAST5 support in FastQC for now.  My impression is that it's
> something of an alpha feature in any case.  I can't even find a .fast5
> format file to test with!
> This patch disables support for FAST5 format until we get the library built.
> Most users won't need this anyway, and those that do can convert the file
> to FASTQ using other tools.
> Note you also need to completely remove the file
> uk/ac/babraham/FastQC/Sequence/Fast5File.java, which I can't do in a quilt 
> patch.
> Tim Booth - 13th Aug 2015
> --- a/uk/ac/babraham/FastQC/Sequence/SequenceFactory.java
> +++ b/uk/ac/babraham/FastQC/Sequence/SequenceFactory.java
> @@ -100,7 +100,8 @@
>                       return new BAMFile(file,false);
>               }
>               else if (file.getName().toLowerCase().endsWith(".fast5")) {
> -                     return new Fast5File(file);
> +                     //return new Fast5File(file);
> +                     throw new SequenceFormatException("Support for FAST5 
> files has not been enabled in this build of FastQC.");
>               }
>               else {
>                       return new FastQFile(config,file);
> <<<PATCH
> I'm done with this for now.  Off to debug some Python code.
> Best,

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