On 09/04/2015 08:04 AM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 04, 2015 at 05:09:45AM +0000, olivier sallou wrote:
>>> Do you want me to work on the todo list (which looks a bit scary to me -
>>> but I might try to have a look).
>> Nope, for the moment I will continue.
>> But will take time. It needs intensive patching because netlib-java classes
>> do not use the same namespace than embeded/used library.
>> So patches are *easy* but many files to patch with different class
>> namespaces....
>> There is also a dependency not available in debian.   I will check but it
>> seems they use a small part of something really bigger. I may patch the
>> code to remove this dependency.
>> I will let you know when I get something.
I have fixed most of issues. Remains missing dependency *lombok* which
seems a bit difficult to build (eclipse dependencies and others)
There are a few other issues we should be able to manage with patches
once lombok is available, if possible...

> Thanks a lot
>       Andreas.
> -- 
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