On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 12:41:24PM +0100, Tim Booth wrote:
> Getting a proper Artemis package would be very good for Debian.  I can't
> find an ITP bug but the first mention of packaging I can find was back
> in 1999 (https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/1999/07/msg00020.html).

Stephane Bortzmeyer was probably the first one who packaged biological
software.  He became inactive in Debian and I took over all his package
into Debian Med.  So we can assume that we are free to do with this
package to do what we want.
> So if this ITP was a person it would be old enough to leave home and get
> married!
> In 2009 Andreas had a crack at it:
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-med/2009/10/msg00105.html

Stephane might get married and I became grandfather over it. ;-)
> In 2014 I talked to him briefly about it and I had a look myself.  Came
> to the conclusion it was definitely do-able, especially with recent work
> of the Debian Java team packaging most libraries.  But neither of us had
> the time and inclination to work on it.

For me artemis is similar to igv.  While igv has a free license we never
managed to get all its internal JARs packaged.  Since somebody else did
igv I did not mind but I personally try hard to get a package "fully"
done (like I did with beast-mcmc - even if there is one non-free
dependency it is at least built from source ...)

> I try to make proper source packages where possible, and to commit my
> work to Alioth, but some (mainly Java) packages have defeated me.  As
> well as Artemis, there is 
> Tablet (https://ics.hutton.ac.uk/websvn/listing.php?repname=tablet),
> Cytoscape (https://github.com/cytoscape/cytoscape),

I once stumbled upon this and have not even understood what upstream
provides as "source tarball" ...

> RStudio (https://github.com/rstudio/rstudio/) 

It would be really cool if we would get this packaged.  My colleagues
are using it.  The ITP #617296 was recently turned into RFP - so if
somebody wants to work on this it would be also helpful.

> and of course the infamous Taverna Workbench
> (http://taverna.incubator.apache.org/download/code/).
> But of those, Artemis seems the most obvious and probably the easiest
> target.  If you get stuck or want advice I'll try to help out however I
> can.  I'm not very good at monitoring the Deb Med mailing list but I am
> on it and if you CC me I'll obviously see the message.

I usually keep you in CC if a thread that I want you to read is started
Thanks for your insight



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