Hi, Andreas!
Thank you for your letter.
I'm sorry for silence, I was busy with my studies. Also me and Tanya were
struggling to decide who should reply first :)

I'm done with package building and writing some tests, but my initial tests
are too simple to commit. I'll improve them in the nearest time.

I'll be glad to have a chance to improve bio packages for Debian (actually
I can do it anyway), but I really want to recommend Tanya for this project
-- she is great!)


2016-04-05 19:42 GMT+03:00 Tatiana Malygina <merlett...@gmail.com>:

> Hi, Andreas!
> I'm sorry for delay and not showing any response for some time, I was
> unexpectedly busy :(
> I've already installed VM with jessie64 distribution (Virtual
> Box+vagrant-based), installed package and tried to write couple of tests
> (thanks to Yaroslav, his advice was useful). I think I'll commit something
> in next few days.
> Tanya.

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