Hi Andreas,

> On Thu, Jun 02, 2016 at 11:45:10AM +0100, Sascha Steinbiss wrote:
>> I remember you had recently raised a discussion about circlator not
>> being able to migrate to testing because of dependencies missing for
>> i386. It now looks like ariba is stuck in the same situation [1]. It is
>> also quite likely that this is probably going to be a common problem for
>> any Python/Perl/... tool that depends on something like bwa, bowtie2 or
>> spades, for example. This is a combination which I could imagine
>> wouldn't be too uncommon, at least in our group.
>> In the ML thread, Ansgar mentioned a manual override that would get the
>> transition going in such cases [2] but I haven't been able to find out
>> how this was finally resolved for circlator -- could you probably point
>> me in the right direction?
> I've not checked circulator but IMHO a possible workaround would be to
> "fake" an "Architectur: any" package and put the tool that is needed
> also inside Build-Depends so the autobuilders do not even try to create
> a package for this.  Not nice but the advantage would be that we can
> control this on our own.  

True, thanks for the suggestion.

> But I admit I'd prefer a "proper" solution in any case. 

Indeed. As circlator seems to have made it to testing white still being
arch:all [1], I'd still be curious how to achieve the same for ariba.
And I'm also interested to know whether whatever solution was found will
stick after the next upload...

Best wishes


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