Hi Afif,

On 16/06/16 09:43, Afif Elghraoui wrote:
> Hi, all,
> على الأربعاء 15 حزيران 2016 ‫05:01، كتب Sascha Steinbiss:
>>> Should there possibly a second Debian Med meeting on another
>>>> continent than Europe? 
>> Sure, if there is enough interest -- especially for newcomers from
>> overseas :) For now there have only been a handful of people traveling
>> that far. Not sure if more would come if there was an event closer to them.
>> However, I myself would probably only be able to make it if the travel
>> costs are moderate as my employer won't cover that.
> I'm located on the USA west coast and this is precisely the reason I
> haven't been to these events. The travel costs are just too much for me
> to justify for a volunteer-work trip.
We have the developers of AutoDock close to you at Scripps as DebianMed
and indeed it would be nice to meet up over there. There was a Debian
interest group once http://scd.debian.net/ and if they are still
existing it may
be somewhat fruitful to get them on board.

Since California does not have a Winter, we need another theme for you,
too ;)
The ones I proposed for Sascha seem to fit. More seriously, I would very
like to have another event when the earth is on the other end of the sun
all also follow Debian Astro, right?), let alone for how many activities
that last
meeting has spawned. If we think about giving meetings a special touch, then
this also defines a bit who shall be present and travel costs lose a bit
of their
importance since the meeting turns relevant for work. And we shift from
getting software into Debian towards getting workflows into Debian, which
should also attract more people. So we could for instance keep the Winter
meetings for the more Debian Med infrastructure bits (at the seaside,
and the summer meetings for workshops on workflows (WoW, google that)
I propose to keep next to large scientific institutions. The Debian Med
Infrastructure meeting would be of continued core Debian interest, the
application side should have someone else or nobody to finance, I suggest.

Sascha's first meeting could be: Workflows for prokaryotic genome
and I propose to team up with DebianMed-friendly EagleGenomics for that,
and if the genome campus is booked, consider to even have it at Babraham.
Afif's first meeting could be: In silico workflows for reducing clinical
resistance. Actually, we yesterday discussed preparing (pre-preparing)
a workshop on semantics controlling expression data analysis for drug
to be held in Budapest and we could make that a Debian event, too. Maybe
we find another organisation than Debian to co-host and co-organise it all.
Given that fortune that big pharma spends on sending their folks around for
training, there should be some possibilities to raise some interest.


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