On 18/07/16 22:21, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to upgrade eigensoft[1].  The build fails with:
> ...
> cc -Wl,-z,relro  pca.o eigensrc/eigsubs.o eigx.o nicksrc/libnick.a  -lgsl 
> -lblas -lgfortran -lrt -lm -o pca
> eigx.o: In function `eigx_':
> /build/eigensoft-6.1.2+dfsg/src/eigx.c:100: undefined reference to `dspev_'

Hi Andreas,
just a few thoughts. The symbols you are looking for are in liblapack:

   $ sudo apt install eigensoft pax-utils
   $ symtree /usr/bin/pca
   liblapack.so.3 => dgetrf_,dgetri_,dsygv_,dgetrs_,dspev_,dpotrf_

If you add -llapack to the list of libraries, it will pass this step. It will 
later, but adding also -lpthread and -llapacke will make it build.

That said, it sounds tricky, because there is zero guarantee that
these dgetrf_ functions have the prototype that is in src/eigx.c (they
don't seem to be public). This looks very error-prone.


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