Hi all,

> It features an astonishing array of bioinformatics software and kind of
> saves what is left of my sanity to get our local HPC environment going.
> Our admins are "its in your home directory" fine with it.

Yes, I can see this is one of the main reasons for its popularity, and I
also use Homebrew on my work Mac since I don't have admin privileges there.

> I do not know what this means for Debian Med. It is a competition. And,
> with some early brain wash from the homebrew on the Mac I am now using
> on my desk, it also feels natural. Kind of nice is that the package
> names seem to be kept in sync with ours, e.g. I just noticed that STAR,
> our NGS aligner, is also called rna-star. And any such sync would be
> really nice to have so we can benefit from each other.

I think keeping package names in sync is indeed very thoughtful and a
good idea to do to reduce the amount of confusion and/or surprise to the
end user, who basicallu only has to use 'brew install' on one machine
and 'apt-get install' on the other.

Something I personally find interesting about Homebrew-science (but
others here may disagree) is that they apparently have a more relaxed
way of embracing upstream's way of distribution and building, which
seems to accelerate turnover time for packaging a lot. For example,
there is no requirement to build in a non-networked environment using
already packaged dependencies only. While I am aware of the security and
long-term maintainability considerations, this is difficult to beat for
the pure purpose of distribution and easy installability, and indeed I
have often seen their list of recipes contain new tools much earlier
than Debian.


 The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is operated by Genome Research 
 Limited, a charity registered in England with number 1021457 and a 
 company registered in England with number 2742969, whose registered 
 office is 215 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE. 

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