Hi Nicola,

thanks for your answer.

On Tue, Aug 02, 2016 at 04:32:31PM +0000, Nicola Segata wrote:
> Hi Andreas,
>  sorry for the delay in replying. I did get your last two emails but it
> seems the fist one (On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 09:45:57PM) never arrived.

Hmmm, sad that there seems to be some mail loss.
> Tin can also provide more info about the binary data in db_v20. The files
> ending with "bt2" are created using a script in the Bowtie2 package
> (bowtie2-build) using a sequence file Tin can provide (it can also be
> recovered from the bt2 files with bowtie2-inspect if I remember well).
> For the mpa_v20_m200.pkl Tin can also provide the uncompressed python
> object (or he can provide a couple of lines of code to uncompress it?)

Anything that qualifies as source would be really welcome.  If the
generation of the binary from this source does not make a big effort (in
terms of "takes way longer than 1 hour on a decent build machine")
generating the binaries would be really prefered.
> For the LEfSe package I just added the license in the bitbucket repository.
> For the description, I think you can use the following page:
> https://bitbucket.org/biobakery/biobakery/wiki/lefse
> Does it sound like an appropriate description for the package?

I found this after I've sent my mails - thanks for confirming that this
is the correct description.  I've just uploaded the package to the
Debian new queue.
> Let me know if you have other questions or if I missed answering to other
> emails.

If Tin will answer the binary data issue above I have no further
questions and do not remember any unanswered e-mails.
> thanks so much for your work!

You are welcome



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