Hi Andreas,

Thank you for the swift answer and for your remarks.

I will get to the upstream team to handle this python 2/3 issue and I'll look into autopkgtest next time.
I also duly noted the use of cme fix dpkg-control

I think in the end I will use a plain sid for packaging purposes

Thanks again,

On 02/09/16 11:21, Andreas Tille wrote:
Hi David,

On Thu, Sep 01, 2016 at 03:19:14PM +0200, David Parsons wrote:
I've just bumped kissplice to the latest version.
Thanks for the update.

It's been a long time since I last did any packaging so I may have forgotten
some stuff, please feel free to yell at me ;-)
Well, I interpret "yelling" as writing in public at the mailing list.
;-)  I think what you mainly forgot is that we are doing public
conversation which became even more important since we have more people
than just me doing the sponsoring.

For the actual packaging:

   * There was a d/changelog paragraph with a change but it was
     set to "UNRELEASED".  I moved the change to the new paragraph.
   * It would be good if you would use the latest lintian from
     unstable which would have told you that the package should
     be conform to the latest Debian Policy version 3.9.8.  So
     bumping the Standards-Version would have solved this.  The
     recommended way is to do
          cme fix dpkg-control
     (Please see Debian Med policy document what packages to
      install to run cme successfully)
   * I added hardening+=all to deal with lintian infos

In general I think I missed two issues in the initial packaging.  While
you added python3 to the Build-Depends and uses --with=python3 in
d/rules this is useless since kissplice is not compatible with Python3.
It would be good to do this Python3 conversion upstream - 2to3 could
help in doing so.

I also moved /usr/bin/kissplice to /usr/share/kissplice/kissplice.py and
just set a symlink to /usr/bin.  This enables the Python helper to
create pyc bytecode at installation time and is the suggested method by
the Debian Python team.

I did all these changes and uploaded.

One thing I would like to be added is an autopkgtest.  While you are
doing build time tests this is nice but it would be good to do this test
separately from the build as well to test the actual package.  It would
be great if you would consider this for the next package.

Kind regards


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