Hi Olivier,

On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 07:57:57AM +0000, olivier sallou wrote:
> Hi,
> Mickael could not manage the hotel location and won't be back to Romania
> before some days.
> So, I have made a reservation at an hotel not far from the Faculty of
> Biology and quite well located. It is not expensive and has twin bed rooms
> for those willing to share rooms. It also has a restaurant if needed.

Thanks a lot for steping in.

> Hotel Trianon
> Cobalcescu Grigore 9, Sector 1, 010191 Bucarest, Roumanie
> There is free wifi and it seems it has some places with sofa where we could
> meet and work together if needed in the evening or time where we are not at
> the faculty (based on hotel description and photo, could not get
> confirmation)/
> This is a proposal, I can still cancel my reservation if needed. If it is
> ok for you, i suggest you make a reservation at the same place so that we
> are all in the same location (will be easier to meet and discuss).

Everything sounds good.  I'm fine with sharing a room.
> I have updated wifi with hotel reference for info

Thanks again



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