
This is super awesome to see Andreas & Steffen, you really made my day!

A few notes:

* Would you please add a dot to Bio.Tools? Or Bio.tools, whichever you like more.

* The coloured backgrounds don't work in Firefox, but that's no problem at all.

* I really like the coloured backgrounds otherwise (yeah!), but even more transparency would look much better to me.

* The texts "Registry entries:" | "Biotools" | "RRID" | "OMICtools" are in italics in some browsers and regular in others. To me, the "Registry entries:" looks better in italics (to distinguish from the rest), and the registry links look much better in regular (especially when with the coloured backgrounds because those are rectangular).

* RRID|SciCrunch: identifiers.org don't guarantee anything. If there's no cool permanent URL, identifiers.org don't have it either. That's exactly the case here. Unless they really have some temporary server-side problems exactly now. DuckDuckGo doesn't help either. (Unlike with OMICtools, there it works awesomely!!) The only usable link I found for RRID|SciCrunch is https://scicrunch.org/scicrunch/data/source/nlx_144509-1/search?q=SCR_010709 i.e. prefix "https://scicrunch.org/scicrunch/data/source/nlx_144509-1/search?q=";. Unfortunately I haven't found a way to get the first hit directly. And the RRID link is dead just like the identifiers.org link. And sorry for a dumb question, are there any non-SciCrunch RRIDs, or should they all have a record in the SciCrunch registry?

What do you think?


On 2017-10-19 13:33, Andreas Tille wrote:

I've posted a set of questions today to this list and they are remaining
**open**.  So those who feel able to answer the questions please check
out this thread.

Despite the open questions I tried an example implementation:


To mark different repositories visibly I went to their homepage and
picked the "main color" there to use it as background for the according
link (but used transparency level 75% to make the page not to

I did **not** implemented the 'NA' feature suggested by Steffen since I
was not convinced that users will really follow any link to do something
- my experience to provide screenshots, debtags and translations is
quite bad (BTW, have you provided any screenshot today?)

Please test, comment and find bugs in the implementation - and answer
the open questions in this thread.

Kind regards


On Mon, Oct 09, 2017 at 04:10:59PM +0200, Steffen Möller wrote:
Hi Andreas,
here some R/Python/PHP-mix pseudocode idea for getting
the registry links displayed on the task page:

  "RRID" => "http://identifiers.org/rrid/RRID:";,
  "SciCrunch" => "http://identifiers.org/rrid/RRID:";,
"OMICtools" => "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=\\"; (a single backslash at the end is what I want)

print "Registries: "
for (registry_name,registry_id) %in% registry_assignments {
  if (empty(prefix) or "NA"==registry_id) {
    print "%s:%s" % ($registry_name,$registry_id)
  } else {
print "%s:<a href="%s%s">%s</a>" % (registry_name,prefix,registry_id,registry_id)

The situation with OMICtools is not yet ideal, but from what
I understood this will soon get better. The single backslash
at the end induces some "You feel lucky!"-like immediate
forward to the top hit. Funnily enough, SciCrunch also needs
a bit of bridge, albeit a more deterministic one.




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