> As a gotcha, remember that this bug was born out of the fact that
> there
> was a package requiring a >= 1.5 dependency.  I recommend you compile
> the symbol file with something << 1.5 (i.e. 1.4 or just re-add the
> file
> that was removed) and then update it appropriately so there will be
> not
> so tight versions.


I dug out the previous symbols files, which appeared to have been built
up to 1.3.1, then I applied changes from 1.4.1 and then finally 1.5.

There were a few symbols changes that were not clear cut and so they're
currently removed but were done in a separate commit.

There from 1.3.1 to 1.4.1 three symbols ks_destroy, ks_getuntil2,
ks_init that disappeared from the library, but are in the headers as
macros. The header macros look like they haven't changed much from even
the 1.0 release, so I don't know why they were removed.

From 1.4.1 to 1.5 there was a block of zf* functions that were removed.
However those are from the "private" cram headers and so 1.5 is likely
to cause issues for the programs that are using the cram support.

Anyone want to review? or should I go ahead and release?


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