Dear all!

Another fast update regarding my latest efforts to start with testing
debian packages:)

As i mentioned in my last email , i successfully managed to build the above
mentioned packages from source (i.e tophat, bwa) and produce the desired
*.deb file.

However , i still fail to have a *\debian\tests directory inside either of
these packages.

After some online research , i believe the problem is the fact that i am
running a linux machine and my /etc/apt/sources.list does not have a
deb-src repository.
I did try to add such a repository , but i had problems with the keys

I will continue my research, however if anyone knows some helpful tutorial
on how to properly setup a debian repository in LInux mint,
 or has any other idea of what the problem might be it will be really
helpful!! (Maybe it means that i should run sbuild after all?)

Thank you all again

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