Liubov Chuprikova <> writes:

> Sorry for the delay in continuing the work!

No problem.

> Last two days I have been figuring out how to test *tbl2asn* and
> *asnmacro*. Please, take a look at the last commits
> <>.

These all look OK offhand, apart from one purely cosmetic consideration:
Sc_16.sbt has a lot of trailing whitespace that would be best to clean up.

> I could not understand where a macro file for *asnmacro* can be taken
> from. Is it possible to generate such a file by any program?

Just by a generic text editor, sorry.  However, this package does
already ship a macro file you may be able to test with:


Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at |

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