On 05/24/2018 08:35 AM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Olivier,
> On Sat, May 19, 2018 at 08:52:50AM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
>> On Fri, May 04, 2018 at 04:44:20PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
>>> On Fri, May 04, 2018 at 04:03:48PM +0200, Olivier Sallou wrote:
>>>>>> I tested it with htsjdk from experimental.
>>>>> I guess there is no other chance since it depends from the version
>>>>> there, right?
>>>> I can't upload to unstable as one of the deps (gkl) depends on htsjdk ,
>>>> and need a *recent* one (the one in experimental works, the one in sid
>>>> fails).
>>>> So to upload those picard-tools deps, we first need to put htsjdk in sid
>>> If this is needed we might go for it and file a fake RC bug so people
>>> can fall back to the version in testing.
>> What do you think about this? Do we want to upload htsjdk to unstable?
> I've uploaded to unstable now.  Hope the currently quiete slow new processing
> will speed up again soon for the dependencies. :-)
will you create a RC bug to prevent testing migration?
> Kind regards
>        Andreas.

Olivier Sallou
Univ Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA
Irisa, Campus de Beaulieu

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