Hi Andreas,
hi all,

On 2019-03-04 14:38, Andreas Tille wrote:
> our sprint is coming soon - I'm delighted to see you again.  I wonder
> whether there are recommendations how to reach the sprint location /
> appartments on Friday evening.

Great! To reach the apartments [1] one has to take the bus 3G at the
airport terminal (the airport is very small, bus station is just
outside). A paper ticket has to be bought from the driver, it should
cost €1. It's better to pay in coins or via €5 bill, as cards or larger
bills are not accepted. The stop for the apartments is "Mikalojaus
Konstantino Čiurlionio" (usually abbreviated to "M. K. Čiurlionio"), the
5th stop from the airport. The apartments are on 1 M. K. Čiurlionio
st., just 5-10 mins from the bus stop.

Those who will arrive at the airport after 23:19 will either have to
take the bus 88N from the airport and get off at "Trakų" stop. From
there there is 15-20 mins uphill walk to the apartments.

Alternatively, one can grab a taxi. We have Uber, Taxify is also fine.
Most drivers speak basic English (am I right, Michael?). Michael offers
everyone €6 discount for Taxify [2].

The University's apartments are open 24/7, thus there should be no
problems with getting there late.

[1] These instructions are for ones that requested the accommodation in
the Vilnius University apartments.

[2] https://wiki.debian.org/Sprints/2019/DebianMed2019

> Sascha and I will arrive 18:15 at the airport.  What's the best
> strategy to meet others (at the airport / in the venue / in the
> appartment house / restaurant for dinner)?

It would be great to go out for the dinner on Friday evening. I suggest
us meet at the apartments at 20:30 and go somewhere nearby. Michael
recommended "FoodHall", which is open till 23:00, I suggest us go there.

Please let me know should you need anything else.


Andrius Merkys
Vilnius University Institute of Biotechnology, Saulėtekio al. 7, room V325
LT-10257 Vilnius, Lithuania

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