On Sat, Aug 31, 2019 at 10:30:33PM +0100, Shayan Doust wrote:
> I have used /usr/share/fast instead, I didn't think of this.
> > Those binaries that have a purpose as user utilities should probably
> > go to /usr/bin and adding a manpage (perhaps by using
> > createmanpages[1]).
> A bit more investigation. The issue with this is that it is generally
> not user friendly (maybe proof of concept). These binaries also expect
> that you have the FAST_Test_Data.xz extracted in the same directory as
> them or using your own data set. In this case, it probably won't be wise
> to have it in /usr/bin as there is no interactivity. Maybe your initial
> suggestion of having these in /usr/lib/fast and having a documentation
> explaining these under /usr/share/doc/libfast-examples/examples would be
> better. Sorry if I have not been clear to begin with, making more and
> more discoveries and understanding with a fairly big project.

Both sounds sensible.  I try to check your commits soon.

Kind regards



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