On Wed, 2021-02-10 at 01:49 +0000, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 10:21 PM Diane Trout wrote:
> > The fairly popular (in the world of bioinformatics) ScanPy package
> > uses
> > a Python version of the louvain clustering algorithm implemented
> > by:
> ...
> > However currently in the Debian archive there's a different louvain
> > package
> I think this is something that the two upstream projects should
> discuss and come to an agreement on the right outcome, since the
> current set of names is confusing and overlapping. Perhaps the two
> projects will end up getting merged into one project, or one of them
> deprecated or one or both of them renamed.

>From the perspective of pypi. 

One is "louvain" (which installs into "louvain" and one is "python-
louvain", which installs into "community".

If you're using pip you can easily install both of them if you want.

> > I was wondering if the python3-louvain's binary package should be
> > renamed to python3-community to match the python package name, and
> > then
> > the other louvain-igraph package could provide a bin package named
> > python3-louvain which would match the package name.
> There are no reverse dependencies in Debian, but this is going to be
> tricky for users who previously installed python3-louvain.deb from
> python-louvain upstream and then after upgrading they suddenly get
> python3-louvain.deb from louvain-igraph with presumably an
> incompatible API etc.

Cleaning it up seemed hard.

Currently the version python3-louvain in unstable based on python-
louvain is 0.0+20181013git3fc1f575 and the current upstream version is

For the louvain igraph package their current version is 0.7.0.

At the very least, the current python3-louvain package needs to be
renamed to python3-community to meet python policy and to make the CI
autodep8 import test work.

So that seems like make a new release of python-louvain using the
0.0git convention with a transition package that depends on a new
python3-community package.

And then leave that alone for "a while".

At some point then the new python3-louvain package based on the louvain
igraph module could have a check in the maintainer script to tell the
user to switch to python3-community if it's the older python-louvain 

Once the packages are renamed then the python-louvain version could
switch from the 0.0git convetion to the pypi version. (Upstream didn't
bother to put tags on github, so the only version numbers come from

I have no idea how long the transition package should sit around for


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