Le lun. 28 mars 2022 à 16:24, Pierre Gruet <p...@debian.org> a écrit :

> Hello everyone,
> Recently I worked on biojava-live (locally, pushed nothing to Salsa),
> which currently has version 1.7.1. Upstream is active and published
> version 1.9.5 of this "legacy" biojava, which is still used by many
> software: four reverse dependencies in Debian (alien-hunter, artemis,
> logol, mauve-aligner), which cannot depend on modern biojava5-live
> because classes have changed so much in between.

mmmm, biojava3, 4 etc... broke many things and required to create biojava3,
biojava4 deb packages but we could expect that version 1 does not break
things between versions....

> I would like to upgrade to version 1.9.5, which would mean:
> - keeping the same source package but pushing new binary package
> libbiojava1.9-java to NEW, conflicting with and replacing
> libbiojava1.7-java;
> - making a source upload of the four reverse dependencies afterwards.
> About this last point: I am able to build the four reverse dependencies
> against this biojava 1.9.5, few changes are necessary: mainly the names
> of the jars, which have changed between 1.7.1 and 1.9.5. Enclosed are
> the source debdiffs of the needed changes for the four reverse
> dependencies.
> Is it OK for you if I upgrade to 1.9.5 and then I take care of the
> reverse dependencies?

that's fine for me


> I am explicitly CC-ing the current uploaders of biojava-live, and I plan
> to add myself to this list of uploaders.
> Best regards,
> --
> Pierre


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