Andreas Tille <> writes:

> I wanted to set you "Owner" of the Debian Med team repository since this
> is the maximum power.  I realised you are owner.  So either someone has
> beaten me and just did so or something is wrong if you can't do what you
> want to do.

OK, thanks.  A closer look indicated that GitLab doesn't normally allow
*anyone* to force-push to protected branches:

I temporarily enabled force pushes for this one just long enough for my
needs.  I would have preferred to be able to relax the policy just for
owners, but AFAICT nobody else pushed in the interim anyway.

>> - The javadocs contain embedded copies of files from libjs-jquery and
>>   libjs-jquery-ui that should become symlinks (with dependencies added).
> I've seen packages where this is ignored.  If you want to approach this
> and need helping hands just ask here.

I reckon it should be straightforward enough, thanks; it just wasn't a

>> - Lower priority: I have not yet taught the Java bindings to look for
>>   full SONAMEs, so they still depend on a -dev package.  I'd appreciate
>>   help from someone more familiar with Java.
> I admit I do not understand the problem but I have put Pierre in CC.

More concretely, the bindings should directly load, and
depend directly on libncbi-ngs3, rather than going through the
unversioned symlink and depending on libncbi-ngs-dev.  I
made appropriate changes on the Python front, but I'm not so clear on
how to do the same for Java.

> A comment to your question in your other mail:  Sorry, I have no idea
> how to teach CI to pick from experimental.

OK, thanks.  No big deal, though it might be nice to have it working.

Meanwhile, I reckon I'll also want to revisit debian/copyright,
particularly with a pass through NEW upcoming. ;-)

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at |

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