Hi Sasccha,

did you managed to reserve a room for our sprint?  It would be nice if
we know in advance to arrange travel for those who do not come from
close by.

Kind regards and have a nice CHristmas

Am Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 06:12:47PM +0100 schrieb Andreas Tille:
> Hi Sascha,
> thanks a lot for checking the know venue.
> Am Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 03:27:35PM +0100 schrieb Sascha Steinbiss:
> > > I wouldn't mind going somewhere else for a change... but i can
> > > surely ask if we can have another weekend in February.
> Same for me - I would like to meet at any location but we need some
> volunteer who will care for the venue.  So far nobody volunteered to do
> the work.  Lets wait until the upcoming weekend for someone to volunteer
> to do the actual work (not suggesting where it could be nice - we all
> know the world has some nice places ;-) )  If this is not the case I
> think Berlin is fixed and we should decide for a date.
> > I have made some inquiries and as long we're only there on the weekend,
> > there are no blockers for at least February, likely also March.
> > I'd be happy to take care of the preparations once we come up with a
> > date, should we choose to meet in Berlin again.
> We might do the same as last year:  Booking the room on top of the water
> tower for a Friday evening meeting and use the office of Saschas company
> for Saturday and Sunday.
> See you in February
>     Andreas.
> -- 
> http://fam-tille.de


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