Junichi Uekawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Roger Leigh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> immo vero scripsit:
> > However, the value of having a shared library at this point in time is
> > doubtful.  gimp-print will Build-Depend on it, and possibly hpijs, but
> > I don't think there will be many other users.  I don't think that the
> > effort of packaging it as a shared library is worth the benefits right
> > now.  The library is tiny, so it isn't going to gain much in reduced
> > memory usage.
> Don't underestimate the significance of a shared library in 
> Debian.

When every release is binary-incompatible with the last (different
SONAME) I can't see that it can cause problems, unless you are
referring to build dependencies.  When the ABI changes so fast, I have
no desire to bolt-on versioning unsupported by upstream.

> > I think I will use Sean's suggestion and have a static-only ijs-dev,
> > and once the specification and ABI are stable I will then make it
> > shared.
> I really doubt you've read my notes enough, but anyway.
> Make sure it doesn't get released in stable.

I hadn't at the time I wrote my reply.  I have now, but it really
hasn't helped that much: I have already packaged shared libs for
Debian (libgimpprint, using both -release and -version-info for the
development and stable series respectively) and I have quite a bit of
experience with libtool and library versioning.

> Whatever it is, and however much you claim it is an unstable ABI,
> if it gets released as a "stable" Debian release,
> it will be stable for a long time.

If you look at the packaging I have done
(http://www-users.york.ac.uk/~rl117/ijs/) then you will see that the
upstream source consists of:
  - a simple minimal configure script
  - a single simple Makefile

When I packaged it I
  - rewrote the build to use autoconf2.5x, automake 1.6 and libtool.
  - added the framework for ABI versioning, and the options of
    versioning with -release or -version-info
  - added an ijs-config script (replaces the one they provide, this
    one is generated entirely from configure)
  - added an ijs.pc file for pkg-config use
  - added an AM_PATH_IJS macro for autoconf use

The last three all use custom m4 macrocode I wrote (available in the
ac-archive, renamed and specialised for use in ijs).  Due to the
unstable nature of the source, I defaulted to -release versioning, and
disabling shared libraries by default, but the framework was in place
for the future when they have a stable series of releases.

The upstream do not want any of these changes.  I can't maintain them
as a patch or include them in Debian because then the Debian version
of IJS will be different from every other.  It's also going to be very
time-consuming and dificult.

I could provide it versioned with -release $(VERSION), but this would
still mean maintaining a completely separate build from upstream.  I
could keep just my autoconf/make/libtool changes and forget the rest,
but this will still mean finding and merging every single build change
into my scripts.  If I provide it as a single static library, I can
use their scripts, even though they are vastly inferior to my own.

I don't yet know what the objections they have to libtool are, but if
you have any suggestion as to how I can deal with this, I would be
very grateful.


Roger Leigh
                ** Registration Number: 151826, http://counter.li.org **
                Need Epson Stylus Utilities? http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net/
                GPG Public Key: 0x25BFB848 available on public keyservers

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