Hi Wei!

(Note that debian-project is not the right mailinglist for this subject.
I've changed the Cc to debian-mentors, where it is more on-topic).

You wrote:

>    My name is Wei Gao, I am an international student
> at an American University. I took a course on Network
> TCP/IP this spring, and I used the linux for the first
> time in my life. I really liked it, it's very robust,
> and efficient. I was just wondering if you can let me
> become an volunteer for the debian project and work on
> some projects. 

Well, of course. Debian is actually run by volunteers only, and anyone
is welcomed to join the project.

> I am totally free this summer and I
> know how to program in C,C++, java, and I am also an
> computer science major. My main problem like other
> inernational students is I don't have much working
> experience. Therefore, if you have to let me show you
> an resume, I can't show it because I don't working
> experience. 

To join Debian, there's no need for a resume. We have a New-Maintainer
process, in which you are appointed a so-called Application Manager. He
will check your knowledge of the Debian system and policy, as well as
your packaging and/or programming skills. More information about how to
join and what to do before you sign up, can be found at
http://www.debian.org/devel/join/newmaint and

The most important thing you should keep in mind, is that you should
create a GPG key pair, and that you should get your key signed by a
Debian developer. In order for a key to be signed, you must meet in
person with the developer, so you should find a developer that lives
near you.

Also, it is advisable to read the Debian Policy Manual, the developers
reference and the New Maintainer's Guide before you sign up. All of
those can be found at http://www.debian.org/devel. it would be usefull
to subscribe yourself to the debian-devel and debian-mentors
mailinglists, too, so you might get an idea of what is being done in
Debian. Information on how to subscribe and on what mailing lists are
available, can be found at http://lists.debian.org/.

I hope you find this information useful, and I hope you decide to join

Kind regards,
| Bas Zoetekouw                  | Si l'on sait exactement ce   |
|--------------------------------| que l'on va faire, a quoi    |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]             | bon le faire?                |
|    [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |               Pablo Picasso  |

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