On Tue, 2003-04-01 at 17:04, josX wrote:
> John wrote:
> >josX wrote:
> >> I wrote a program, and i would like to have it in debian format,
> >> and if people like it in the debian releases. If packaging isn't
> >> too difficult i would have no problems with debianizing it, but
> >> it is not my first interest (packaging/installing etc). OTOH, maybe
> >> it is fun to do, i've no idea what exacly it involves and how
> >> difficult it is.
> >
> >See http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/.
> Ok thanks.
> Problem: its not just one binary which goes into $PATH.
> Problem 2: packaging doesn't interest me to the point that i can hardly
> focus to read the docs about it.
> If someone wants to package the program, let me know and i'll be
> happy to help out where i can with changing the sources to something
> suitable.

File a RFP on your own program, wait for a suitable Debian Developer (or
wannabe Developer) to become interested.
IMO, it's easier that way! =]


 Leo Costela
 Public Key: http://wallsplash.net/leo/pubkey.asc
 "you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest... with... a herring!"

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