Thanks to all who answered my questions.

So, to summarize (and ensure I understood all answers correctly):

- For packages which don't have intermediate files (things that don't
need to be built, like scripts, static data, configuration files, or
whatever), it's perfectly fine to have a single upstream branch, and
feed the pristine-tar branch with the raw pristine-tar command

- For the rest, it's recommended, but not mandatory, to have two
distinct upstream branches, one tracking upstream git, and the other
managed by gbp import-orig; using a single upstream branch is feasible,
but would increase the size of delta files in the pristine-tar branch if
the tarball's content differs from the upstream branch's one

- Avoiding to "pollute" the upstream branch with "Imported upstream
version..." messages isn't possible yet with gbp import-orig (no one
answered about this: would it make sense to file a wishlist bug against
gbp to ask for such an option ? The goal being to automate tarball
download and import, without touching the upstream branch at all, using
a single "gbp import-orig --uscan" instead of both "uscan" first and
then "pristine-tar <tarball> <upstream branch>)

- In any case, if the branches layout differs from the classic
"master/upstream/pristine-tar" model, it should be documented in a
README.source file

Did I get all of your answers right ?


Raphaël Halimi

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