control: owner -1 !
control: tags -1 moreinfo

Hi Chris

>I am looking for a sponsor to update the python-django-feincms package.
>The package has 3 RC bugs, the earliest dating back to June 2014 (nearly
>a year).

before uploading I have some issues to raise.

first python-django-tagging needs to be fixed. I see the fix is already on git 
did the import), so with this mail I'm contacting both maintainers to see if 
want to upload it.

Well, there is also a new changelog entry about fixing VCS fields, you should
really merge in the previous one, since it never hit unstable.

that said, please fix before the tagging package, and then we will look at this 
what about this patch?

please note: I didn't do a full review, lets wait some time for maintainers to 
react, and
then I'll be happy to sponsor the packages in the correct order (-tagging and 
then -feincms).



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