On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 3:25 PM, nord-stream wrote:

>  * Package name    : firefox-branding-iceweasel


Should the vendorShortName be Debian instead of Mozilla?

One thing that isn't rebranded is the window icon, when I do alt-tab I
get the Firefox icon.

Automatic checks:


make[1]: Entering directory
xpi-pack ./xpi-build ./build.xpi
Packing ./build.xpi
Packed XPI file. It is located in
install-xpi ./build.xpi
Archive:  ./build.xpi
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/RDF.py:2014: RedlandWarning: Variable
bnodeid1 was bound but is unused in the query
  results = Redland.librdf_query_execute(self._query,model._model)
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/RDF.py:2014: RedlandWarning: Variable
bnodeid2 was bound but is unused in the query
  results = Redland.librdf_query_execute(self._query,model._model)
   dh_xul-ext -O--parallel
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/RDF.py:2014: RedlandWarning: Variable
bnodeid1 was bound but is unused in the query
  results = Redland.librdf_query_execute(self._query,model._model)


$ find -type f -iname '*.css' -exec csslint-0.6 {} \; > /dev/null
parsing error: 4:1:could not recognize next production
parsing error: 6:1:while parsing rulset: current char must be a '}'
parsing error: 5:15:while parsing declaration: next property is malformed
parsing error: 4:1:could not recognize next production
parsing error: 6:1:while parsing rulset: current char must be a '}'
parsing error: 5:15:while parsing declaration: next property is malformed
parsing error: 4:1:could not recognize next production
parsing error: 6:1:while parsing rulset: current char must be a '}'
parsing error: 5:15:while parsing declaration: next property is malformed

$ debmake -k
=== debian/copyright checked for 102 data ===
Pattern #00: *
  File: xpi-build/chrome/content/aboutIceweasel/aboutIce.js
- MPL-2.0
+ MPL-1.1

Pattern #01: src/iceweasel/*
  File: src/iceweasel/content/aboutIceweasel/aboutIce.js
- MPL-2.0, and MPL-1.1 or GPL-2.0+ or LGPL-2.1+
+ MPL-1.1

Pattern #01: src/iceweasel/*
  File: src/iceweasel/content/aboutDialog.css
- MPL-2.0, and MPL-1.1 or GPL-2.0+ or LGPL-2.1+
+ MPL-2.0

# check if these can be switched to https://
$ grep -rF http: .

$ license-reconcile
License mismatch: File
src/iceweasel/content/aboutIceweasel/aboutIce.js has license MPL
(v1.1) GPL (unversioned/unknown version) which does not match GPL-2.0+
or LGPL-2.1+ or MPL-2.0, and MPL-1.1. at
/usr/share/perl5/Debian/LicenseReconcile/App.pm line 222, <GEN0> line
License mismatch: File src/iceweasel/content/aboutIceweasel/ice.xhtml
has license MPL (v1.1) GPL (unversioned/unknown version) which does
not match GPL-2.0+ or LGPL-2.1+ or MPL-2.0, and MPL-1.1. at
/usr/share/perl5/Debian/LicenseReconcile/App.pm line 222, <GEN0> line
License mismatch: File src/iceweasel/content/browser-overlay.css has
license MPL-2.0 which does not match GPL-2.0+ or LGPL-2.1+ or MPL-2.0,
and MPL-1.1. at /usr/share/perl5/Debian/LicenseReconcile/App.pm line
222, <GEN0> line 3.

$ find -type d \( -iname .bzr -o -iname .git -o -iname .hg -o -iname
.svn -o -iname CVS -o -iname RCS -o -iname SCCS -o -iname _MTN -o
-iname _darcs -o -iname .pc -o -iname .cabal-sandbox -o -iname .cdv -o
-iname .metadata -o -iname CMakeFiles -o -iname _build -o -iname
_sgbak -o -iname autom4te.cache -o -iname blib -o -iname cover_db -o
-iname node_modules -o -iname '~.dep' -o -iname '~.dot' -o -iname
'~.nib' -o -iname '~.plst' \) -prune -o -type f ! \( -iname '*.bak' -o
-iname '*.swp' -o -iname '#.*' -o -iname '#*#' -o -iname 'core.*' -o
-iname '*~' -o -iname '*.gif' -o -iname '*.jpg' -o -iname '*.jpeg' -o
-iname '*.png' -o -iname '*.min.js' -o -iname '*.js.map' -o -iname
'*.js.min' -o -iname '*.min.css' -o -iname '*.css.map' -o -iname
'*.css.min' \) -exec spellintian --picky {} +
./README.markdown: debian -> Debian



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