On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 01:22:53PM +0200, Denny Fuchs wrote:
> > No changes are allowed to files outside the debian/ directory. So it
> > seems that you changed and commited sandbox_simulators/apache.conf,
> > making it different with respect to what you have in the tarball file.
> that is the point, where I get lost. I have no tarball, because, everything
> is committed via Git. So git-buildpackage creates its own tarball, and I
> expected, that the newly added file is simply there (it is) and also in the
> new (on the fly) created tarball. 
This is wrong as (for non-native packages) you always have the orig
tarball which is created from the upstream branch (from the specified tag,
actually) and not changed by commits in the master one. If you really want
to edit upstream files you need to commit that into the upstream branch
and move the tag (or make a new one). This may sound too complicated but
that's because you are not packaging some software released by other
people, which is the workflow Debian tools were made for.
If you are releasing the software to the public your only options are to
make a new release each time or to chanmge upstream files using patches.

> > start thinking that, as a Debian package,r you are not going to
> > develop the software itself: you have a tarball and you have to
> In that case, I'm own both roles (if I understand you correct). I'm the
> maintainer and one of the upstream developer.
Yes, and you need to think as both roles separately.


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