On Wed, Jun 01, 2016 at 05:25:08PM +0200, Marwan Rabbâa wrote:
> I have created a debian package
> https://packagecloud.io/waghanza/plunder/packages/debian/jessie/phantomjs_2.1.1_amd64.deb
> .
> I am not aware of debian policies.
> Could you give me some advice / documentation links to help debian
> communities having phantomjs available ?
Note that Debian testing and unstable already contain phantomjs. If you
want it to be available in jessie, you need to make a backport of it. You
can read more about backports here:
You should also read more general information about making official
packages for Debian, starting from links here:
https://mentors.debian.net/intro-maintainers (see "3. Make the package").


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