On Wed, 2016-07-13 at 07:35 +0100, Rebecca N. Palmer wrote:
> > We do not have automation
> > to rebuild packages and file FTBFS bugs, do we?
> Automated whole-archive rebuilds have been done (see e.g. 
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=768691 ), but I
> don't know whether they are done regularly.

I think Dmitry is referring to the rebuilding of libgdbm reverse
dependencies which will be needed for this transition.

This is automated by the release team (see the transitions policy) once
a transition starts. For the transition to start, either all the FTBFS
bugs you found need to be fixed in unstable, or the packages in
question need removing from testing. You will have to file all the bugs
manually, but I expect all the bugs will follow a similar template.


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