On Wed, 13 Jul 2016 14:56:03 +0000 (UTC)
Gianfranco Costamagna <locutusofb...@debian.org> wrote:

> I did *two* NMU of stockfish for this maintainer, both were new upstream 
> release, and upstream was making pressure
> about updating it.
> So, even if the maintainer is not officially MIA, I guess you can already 
> open an RFS bug, that I can sponsor if
> the following conditions are met:
> 1) you bump severity of 802196 to important and explain why the new version 
> is important to go in unstable
> 2) you fix also 772432 (just apply the patch or check if the new upstream 
> release fixes that bug)
> 3) you try to see how and which bugs are fixed in the new release
> 4) you open an RFS bug
> if the review is good, I'll upload in deferred/15 or somewhere in that 
> deferred queue.

Thank you Gianfranco, I'll address all of your points and give an answer 

> (and I think MIA team might orphan the package in the following days, so I'll 
> probably ask you
> to convert in a Team upload, or Qa upload, or to add yourself as maintainer 
> of the package)
> I should admit some changes are useless/out of an NMU scope, so maybe if you 
> want to wait for him
> to step in, or MIA team to orphan the package, I can sponsor even more easily 
> the package.

I use this package a lot so would be happy maintain it (in a team or 
individually), even I have no experience in Tcl and Tk :-0


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