Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: normal

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for a new release of dh-elpa.

My co-maintainer is a DD but his key in the uploaders' keyring has
expired and he can't replace it for a while.

* Package name    : dh-elpa
  Version         : 1.1
  Upstream Author : David Bremner & Sean Whitton
* URL             :
* License         : GPL-3+
  Section         : devel

Changes since the last upload:

  * Attempt to sanitise versions from DEB_* env vars so that Emacs accepts
    them as ELPA package version strings.

Download with dget:

    dget -x

Or build it with gbp:

    gbp clone
    git checkout debian/1.1
    git verify-tag debian/1.1     # if you have my key
    gbp buildpackage


Sean Whitton

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