Hi Gustavo
>> INSTALL_REQUIRES = ['restkit==4.2.2', 'watchdog==0.6.0'] >> why is restkit manually listed in runtime dependencies? > >that's for setuptools, I could patch it out, but why? please read what I wrote :) python-restkit is a build-dependency, and listed in install_requires keyword. dh_python2 should pick it up automagically and translate it into a runtime-dependency in ${python:Depends} please remove it, and check if the dependency is correctly added in the binary file (debian/control) >no, is not wrong >$ git clone >https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/couchapp.git >Cloning into 'couchapp'... yes, I know it works, but probably because of some rewrite rule in collab-maint git apache configuration. I still prefer to have them separate, because it won't work on other non alioth git repo. (and some bad copy-paste might introduce such issues) (this *isn't* a blocker for this upload, feel free to keep it that way) >restkit doest not have a python3 package, nose-testconfig does not work on >python3 AFAIK, and it is necesary for tests > >the mention in README.md about python3 is to host the coverage >reports ack thanks >thanks, how did you find it? licensecheck didn't! some grep copyright . -Ri ; grep license . -Ri and debdiff between the two versions did spot it (did you remove such file in debian/repack script?) >PS: I've added autopkgtest support to the package :) nice! this is always appreciated. Ready for a next ping on the above points :) G.