Charles Plessy <> writes:

> the laptop that I use mainly for Debian development will go to
> hardware maintainance tomorrow. I will of course remove my .gnupg
> folder, but out of curiosity I wonder if there are better practices.

If you're concerned about your storage device being compromised, don't
send it to the technicians at all. Deleting files is no barrier to
recovering them from someone sufficiently curious or determined.

The better practice is: Remove the storage device before sending the

The only reason I can think of why you'd send the storage device is to
get *that* device repaired.

> The mass storage is a SSD that I am not going to remove it before
> sending the laptop.

The best practice is: Use full-disk encryption. The only cost to this is
setting it up before you start using the storage device, and entering
the passphrase every time you start it.

 \      “A lie can be told in a few words. Debunking that lie can take |
  `\   pages. That is why my book… is five hundred pages long.” —Chris |
_o__)                                                Rodda, 2011-05-05 |
Ben Finney

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