[2016-11-18 08:54] Christian Seiler <christ...@iwakd.de>
> I'm hence removing the moreinfo tag, because your course of action
> to remove dietlibc-dev from Build-Depends of your package is the
> right one. If at some point in the future bglibs are recompiled
> against dietlibc (in addition to glibc preferably) it might make
> sense to re-add the dietlibc-dev Build-Depends here, but for now
> you can't do anything about that.
> I would only ask you to alter the changelog to reflect the actual
> reason why you don't use dietlibc anymore; that is use an entry
> like:
>  * Drop dietlibc-dev from Build-Depends for now. (Libraries
>    depended upon are not compiled for dietlibc anymore.)

Done. Updated version on mentors.

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