On 12/01/2016 04:36 PM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 01, 2016 at 07:21:32PM +0500, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
>> As there is not enough data in the message, I'm assuming it's about the
>> published repo.
>> The upstream/2.4.0 tag is not merged into master so the debian/2.4.0-*
>> tags are not its descendants. This will not work properly.
>> Try merging that tag into master now, before importing the new version,
>> this will probably help.
In my case, trying with the replace option for the merge worked, code is
"ok" with build. I gonna go with this option, but would be nice to have
merge issues displayed (or saved in a file)

>>> I can confirm the very same observation in another case ncbi-tools6[1]:
>>> $ TMPDIR=/var/tmp gbp import-orig --pristine-tar 
>>> ../ncbi-tools6_6.1.20160908.orig.tar.gz
>>> Make sure we use sid config
>>> What is the upstream version? [6.1.20160908] 
>>> gbp:info: Importing 
>>> '/home/tillea/debian-maintain/alioth/debian-med_git/ncbi-tools6_6.1.20160908.orig.tar.gz'
>>>  to branch 'upstream'...
>>> gbp:info: Source package is ncbi-tools6
>>> gbp:info: Upstream version is 6.1.20160908
>>> gbp:info: Merging to 'master'
>>> gbp:error: Automatic merge failed.
>>> gbp:error: Error detected, Will roll back changes.
>>> gbp:info: Rolling back branch upstream by resetting it to 
>>> be323245ea77f0e457e3d42c83b58a82f67ca0f2
>>> gbp:info: Rolling back branch pristine-tar by resetting it to 
>>> 4379fc7d56641c4c4ee7612c48385c8927fac5c8
>>> gbp:info: Rolling back tag upstream/6.1.20160908 by deleting it
>>> gbp:info: Rolling back branch master by resetting it to 
>>> 7c27f101e5f5bcc188d55a67a5d11ead7dbbe62c
>>> gbp:info: Rolling back failed merge of upstream/6.1.20160908
>>> gbp:error: Rolled back changes after import error.
> I tried to apply your hint to ncbi-tools6[1] but this does not change
> anything:
> ncbi-tools6(master) $ LC_ALL=C git merge upstream/6.1.20120620
> Already up-to-date.
> Did I missinterpreted your hint?
> Kind regards
>       Andreas.
>>> [1] https://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-med/ncbi-tools6.git

Olivier Sallou
IRISA / University of Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu, 35000 RENNES - FRANCE

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