On 12/21/2016 11:37 AM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> I did a source upload of r-cran-treescape at 2016-12-19 21:51:35.
> When looking at the build log page[1] I realise that vor some architectures
> a Build-Depends is missing but I have no idea why for instance amd64 is
> not build after > 36 hours.
> Any ideas?

They have been tried a lot of times already, you can see that by looking at
"all (10)" for example (in the amd64 case).

A failed log looks like this:

It appears to be the case that the fix for the maintscript issue with dpkg
is still affecting the buildds and r-base-core is uninstallable - in this
case probably because the chroots haven't been updated yet and dpkg comes
preinstalled in the chroots.

This doesn't count as a build failure, because the build dependencies of
the package couldn't be installed successfully, so it's not your own
packages fault. The buildds will periodically try to build the package
again until the underlying problem is fixed.

You could ask the wanna-build people to manually update the chroots to fix
this issue if you don't want to wait until the next automatic update.
(IIRC that happens twice a week.)


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