Hello Ben,


>I recently donned the mantle of maintaining ‘dput’ and am carefully
>making improvements. I am conscious of the special need for backward
>compatibility so I am taking care to understand how the Debian developer
>community uses it today.

ok, I used dput I think version ""

first issue: probably a package outdated on Debian derivatives is bad and makes
people switch to dput-ng
(at least this happened to me)

second issue:
this is a warning when uploading on DebOMatic:
(I don't see it with dput-ng)

This account is restricted by rssh.
Allowed commands: scp sftp 

If you believe this is in error, please contact your system administrator.

Warning: The execution of '/usr/bin/ssh' as
'ssh deboma...@debomatic-i386.debian.net chmod 0644 
returned a nonzero exit code.
Error while fixing permissions.

third issue:
dput ppa:costamagnagianfranco/locutusofborg-ppa 

(upload performed)
"wrong! the package had target suite "unstable", dput-ng refuses to upload in a 
ppa if the target
suite is Debian like

fourth issue:
dcut seems to work differently
dcut ftp-master reschedule -d 15 -f 
D: dcut 0.2.1
D: trying to get maintainer email from environment
D: Uploader from env: Gianfranco Costamagna <locutusofb...@debian.org>
D: first argument "ftp-master" treated as host
D: loading dput
D: calling dput.read_configs
D: Parsing Configuration File /etc/dput.cf
D: Parsing Configuration File /home/locutus/.dput.cf
D: Successfully parsed command "reschedule -d 15 -f 
D: calling debsign: ['debsign', '-mGianfranco Costamagna 
.commands file has invalid Commands line: reschedule -d 15 -f 
debsign: .commands file appears to be invalid. see:
for valid format
Error: debsign failed.

dcut ftp-master dm --uid "samuel...@gmail.com" --allow pixiewps
Error: Could not parse commands at "dm"

>So I'm now familiar enough, but still fresh enough, that feedback is
>particularly valuable.

I would like to have an updated package, compatible with dput-ng, that works in 
Ubuntu and Debian uploads.

and it is kept in sync :)

>I'd like to take the opportunity of this thread to ask:
>What does ‘dput’ do that you really think should not be changed?
>What does ‘dput’ do that you wish it would stop doing?

work in a -ng compatible way, or with some better documentation about 
reschedule/dm commands

>What do other tools do better than ‘dput’? Do you think that ‘dput’
>should change to do those things the same way?

other tools do better checks for sanity before uploading

>The same questions can be asked of the ‘dcut’ program from the same

and now with dput from unstable:
dput debomatic-amd64 ../telepathy-ring_2.1.0-2_source.changes 
Checking signature on .changes
gpgme: ../telepathy-ring_2.1.0-2_source.changes: error 55: Invalid value
(7, 55, u'Invalid value')

dput ppa:costamagnagianfranco/locutusofborg-ppa 
No host ppa:costamagnagianfranco/locutusofborg-ppa found in config

and so on...

thanks for maintaining it!
(maybe I'm just doing it wrong, I had a bad experience dated some years ago, I 
switched to dput-ng, and now
everything works(TM) )


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