Expanding on the previous feedback (from a quick review):

You should clear all of the non-green issues on the [mentors page]. Note that 
debuild includes a lintian run.

  - The NMU complaint is there because your names in control and changelog 
don't match.

  - You should also populate the Vcs fields in control. This references your 
Debian repository.

  - There are many who would require you to clear out the comments in that file.

  - The ftp masters pay particularly close attention to the copyright file of 
packages in the NEW queue. Yours has an error in it (missing License line in 
the claim paragraph). It also is missing references to third party Copyright 
claims in the source tree, and to your files in the debian directory. Do a 
careful search of copyright claims, and make sure all are documented.
  - "The MIT License (MIT)" (exact text) is not on the 'official' list. See the 
[license list], referenced from the [copyright file spec]. The one you are 
looking for is probably 'Expat', though you should verify the text carefully.

[mentors page]: https://mentors.debian.net/package/picocoin
[license list]: https://spdx.org/licenses/
[copyright files spec]: 

You can upload again to mentors when complete. Update the revision, and mark 
previous revisions as "UNRELEASED" (that may just be my personal preference).

"Le mieux est l'ennemi du bien" - Voltaire

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