Control: retitle -1 RFS: telegram-desktop/1.0.13-1 [ITP]

Oh, but they have released a new version today. So current upstream version is 1.0.13. I uploaded new package [1] into mentors just in case. A bug, when a main window was not closed by Alt-F4 and in some other cases, has been fixed.

20.02.2017 17:17, Mattia Rizzolo пишет:
is not needed: if you read debhelper(7) you'll see that starting with
compat 9 those are already exported by dh.

It's fine. I removed this line from d/rules.

    export DH_VERBOSE  # for easy debugging this script
does this work without the "=1" bits?  (personally I export that in my
environment as I always want local builds to be as verbose as possible,
so I don't see the difference.

Indeed, it works even without this line.

And also, how can I turn verbose CMake output off? I fear to miss an important GCC warning. But I don't want to interrupt compilation in this case.

It's not a techinical thing, but more political, actually.  I want to
decide the license of what I write.
But what you did before was ok.

Well, I'm completely confused, sorry, then I brought it back.

This still need to take care of:

* spelling-error-in-binary (please upstream the fix)
* spelling-error-in-manpage
* desktop-entry-lacks-keywords-entry (please upstream the fix)

I'll make a pull request to upstream for fix keywords and encoding fields in .desktop file. It seems spelling errors in binary are related to log strings, those are not showed in user interface.

As you perhaps noticed, my knowledge of English is not very well, and I don't know what the problem with the manpage.

Hmm... It seems to be working. But lintian sill warnings about

That usually means that something doesn't respect

Maybe this is a false positive...

git check:
* pristine-tar is not pushed/updated (after some check, if you have
  pristine-tar-commit=True doing a `gbp buildpackage…` it does commit it
  by itself, in some cases.…)
* you have a lot of branch, including a "master" (which is HEAD) and a
  "debian", but it seems latter is abbandoned, and the actual
  debianization is on "master".  can you clean it up a bit?
* you have a weird looking tag tmp-old-debian
* you might want or not to push the upstream branch in your repo, your
  call, but if you don't let me suggest you don't call the debianization
  branch "master" ("debian" is cool, but please change HEAD).
* there is not upstream tag pushed for the last upstreams

I deleted all old branches, renamed current master to debian and pushed all new tags (I keep forgetting to run git push --tags ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ).

I can't understand why pristine-tar is necessary if I could download an original tarball using uscan (or manually). Pristine-tar seems to commit binary blobs into git repo. Why, in thunder? What the profit if I still must download the tarball?


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